Purpose and Objectives
Bullying has been reported by many states as an under identified and under assessed problem. It is the intent of this program to provide information that will permit effective and early identification and assessment of bullying problems.
Who Should Attend?
K – University students
What You Will Learn
​• Identify a bully and bullying behavior
• Learn the responsibilities of a bystander
• How does bullying affect the victim and how to safeguard against bullying behaviors​
• Mental toughness techniques
• Develop and emphasize self-control, self-responsibility and self-reliance
Training Agenda
​​We customize our services depending on your specific needs. Our presentations range from a 1-hour introduction to half, full or multi-day seminars that are exclusively designed for you. Our job is to assist you in reaching your goals and objectives.
We have presented at Regis University, Metro State, G. Washington H.S., Ken Caryl Recreation Ctr., and Boy Scouts of America.