Brandon McManus, kicker for the NFL Denver Broncos, generously donated to Be A Friend, Make A Friend through his charity Project McManus. He believes in the work of Be A Friend, Make A Friend!

2019 NFL Denver Broncos Kicker Brandon McManus and Elon Cohen, Founder of Be A Friend Make a Friend
Donation Recipients and guest from left to right. Boys and Girls Club of Denver, Global Down Syndrome Foundation, BE a Friend Make a Friend.
Be A Friend Make A Friend founder Elon Cohen and board member Ryan Seely with the Global Down Syndrome Foundation representative
NHL Avalanche Captain Gabe Landeskog started his Landy’s Friends program in Sweden to provide non-profit guests a special experience at an Avalanche game. Anti-bullying programs are very important to Gabe and "BE A FRIEND MAKE A FRIEND" was invited to join him at the Pepsi Center on February 4th, 2017 to show our Denver community support.

Check out this anti-bullying, diversity video on labeling from The Diversity Center of Norteast Ohio.
Denver Public School, Place Bridge Academy, celebrates diversity and educates students about anti-bullying.
CONGRATULATIONS to Honorable Representative Rhonda Fields and her staff on the passage of HB 15-1072! Be A Friend Make A Friend believes all Colorado kids will benefit from the new law's provisions to combat the plague of cyberbullying.

Governor John Hickenlooper (center), Legal Aid Lauren Bean standing to the left of Ms. Fields,Honorable Colorado House Representative Rhonda Fields, Elon Cohen, Director of BEFMAF (standing right of Ms. Fields)